GlossaryFind Mapbox-related terms and their definitions.Ready to get started?Create a free account to start building with Mapbox.Sign UpAdditional Developer ResourcesMapbox Developer DiscordDeveloper CheatsheetMapbox SupportAsk AIFiltersSearch Products All productsAccount appMaps SDK for iOSMapbox GL JSMaps SDK for AndroidMaps SDK for UnityStatic Images APIDirections APINavigation SDK for AndroidNavigation SDK for iOSOptimization APIMapbox StudioGeocoding APIJava SDKMapbox Tiling ServiceUploads APIDatasets APIMapbox Style SpecificationDocumentationStyles APIIsochrone APIMap Matching APIMapbox Satellite tilesetRaster Tiles APIMatrix APIVision SDK for iOSVision SDK for AndroidStatic Tiles APIVector Tiles APITilequery APITokens APIMapbox Vector Tile SpecificationMapbox BoundariesMapbox Streets tilesetaccess tokenMapbox uses access tokens to associate your account with your requests to Mapbox API resources.annotationAn annotation is a defined location on a map in the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS.attributionAttribution is the combination of two visual elements that are placed on all Mapbox maps, stating that a map was created with Mapbox tools and data.bearingBearing is the direction you're facing, as measured from a compass.bounding boxA bounding box is a mechanism for describing a particular area of a map.cameraIn maps that use Mapbox GL, the camera is a map's field of view.compute unit (CU)Compute units (CUs) represent the processing resources a tileset processing job consumes on Mapbox infrastructure and are used for tilesets processing billing.CSVThe CSV (comma-separated values) format can be used for mapping if the file contains geographic stylingData-driven styling allows you to style spatial data based on its properties.datasetA dataset is an editable collection of GeoJSON features.dataset IDUse the dataset ID to make requests related to the dataset using the Datasets API.Datasets APIThe Mapbox Datasets API allows you to read, create, update, and remove datasets and dataset features.Directions APIWith the Mapbox Directions API, you can add routing with turn-by-turn directions to your map.expressionAn expression defines a formula for computing the value of any layout property, paint property, or filter within a map style.featureA geospatial feature refers to an individual point, line, or polygon in a dataset or in a tileset.feature queryingFeature querying is the process by which features in a tileset are identified at a specific location.filterA filter, also known as a predicate within iOS and macOS, gives you fine-grained control over the content of a style layer.font stackA font stack is a collection of fonts that belong to an individual layer within a style.geocodingGeocoding is the process of taking an address or name of a place and converting it into latitude and longitude values.Geocoding APIThe Mapbox Geocoding API performs two main tasks, forward geocoding and reverse geocoding.GeoJSONGeoJSON is a file format for representing map data. Mapbox web services and APIs serve geospatial data as GeoJSON.GPXGPX (GPS eXchange format) is a data format commonly created from GPS receivers.iconAn icon is an image that appears in a symbol layer on a map.iframeAn iframe is an HTML element that allows you to embed a map into a website.Isochrone APIThe Mapbox Isochrone API allows you to request polygon or line features that show areas that are reachable within a specified amount of time from a location.KMLKML is a geospatial file format that’s commonly used in Google products.latitude and longitudeLatitude and longitude are a pair of numbers (coordinates) used to describe a position on the plane of a geographic coordinate system.layout and paint propertiesLayout and paint properties are two sub-properties of a layer that decides how data from the layer is rendered in maps that use Mapbox GL.lineA line is a geospatial feature defined by connected pairs of latitude and longitude coordinates.Maki icon setThe Maki icon set is used in map styles. It includes common point of interest loadsA map load occurs whenever a Mapbox GL JS Map object is initialized on a webpage. It is used to track map usage on the web.Map Matching APIThe Mapbox Map Matching API allows you to take recorded traces, such as the data from a GPS tracker, and snap them to the OpenStreetMap road and path viewMap views were formerly used as a unit of measurement to track map usage on the web. Map views are now deprecated.Mapbox GLMapbox GL is a suite of open-source libraries for embedding customizable and responsive client-side maps in web, mobile, and desktop applications.Mapbox GL JSMapbox GL JS is a JavaScript library that uses Mapbox GL to render interactive maps.Mapbox Maps SDK for AndroidThe Mapbox Maps SDK for Android is an open-source toolset for building mapping applications for Android devices.Mapbox Maps SDK for iOSThe Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS is an open-source toolset for building mapping applications for iPhone and iPad devices.Mapbox Maps SDK for UnityThe Mapbox Maps SDK for Unity is an open-source toolset for building location-based augmented and virtual reality applications with Unity, using real map data.Mapbox Navigation SDKsThe Mapbox Navigation SDKs for iOS and Android provide open-source toolsets for integrating turn-by-turn navigation within mobile applications.Mapbox SatelliteMapbox Satellite is a global tileset of high-resolution satellite imagery.Mapbox StudioMapbox Studio is a web application for creating map styles and managing your datasets and tilesets.Mapbox Tiling Service (MTS)Mapbox Tiling Service (MTS) allows you to list, delete, and retrieve TileJSON metadata for raster and vector tilesets.Maps SDK for React NativeThe Maps SDK for React Native is a community-managed React Native library for integrating Mapbox maps into mobile apps.markerA marker is a visual representation of a specific coordinate on a map.Matrix APIThe Mapbox Matrix API calculates travel times between many points in one API request.MBTilesMBTiles is a file format for storing tilesets.monthly active usersMonthly active users (MAU) is a billing metric for Mapbox Maps, Navigation, and Visions SDKs.offline regions and offline packsAn offline region is a defined region of a map that is available for use in conditions with limited or no network connection.OpenStreetMapOpenStreetMap is a collaborative mapping project that creates a world map.Optimization APIThe Mapbox Optimization API returns a duration-optimized route between provided input coordinates.overzoomOverzoom is the result of a tileset being zoomed in beyond its given zoom extent.pointA point is a geospatial feature defined by one pair of latitude and longitude coordinates.polygonA polygon is a geospatial feature defined by connected pairs of latitude and longitude coordinates forming an area with at least three sides.projectionProjections are methods of transforming the coordinates of locations on the planet to a two-dimensional plane.quadtreeMap tiles are stored in a quadtree data structure.raster dataRaster data is a pixel-based data format used in raster tilesets.Raster Tiles APIThe Mapbox Raster Tiles API allows you to request a single tile from a Mapbox-hosted raster tileset.routing profileA routing profile is a set of rules that a routing engine uses to find the optimal route between two points.runtime stylingRuntime styling allows you to dynamically change the map style displayed on your Mapbox map in real time.shapefileA shapefile is a file format for storing geographic vector data.simplestyleSimplestyle is an open source specification for styling GeoJSON in some rendering environments, including GeoJSON overlays in the Mapbox Static Images API.SKU tokensSKU tokens are used by some SDKs for tracking usage.sourceA source supplies the data that Mapbox GL displays on a map.source layerA source layer is an individual layer of data within a source.spriteA sprite is a single image that contains all the icons included in a style.Static Images APIThe Mapbox Static Images API allows you to request a standalone, static image of a map generated from a Mapbox GL-based style.Static Tiles APIThe Mapbox Static Tiles API serves raster tiles generated from a Mapbox GL style.styleA style is a JSON document that defines the visual appearance of a componentA style component is a collection of related map features that you style as a single unit in the Mapbox Studio style editor. Each component can contain one or more IDA style ID is a map style's unique layerA style layer is used to add styling rules to a specific subset of data in a map URLA style URL allows you to reference a style created with Mapbox vector tilesStyle-optimized vector tiles remove any layers or features in a tile that are not represented by a given Mapbox style.Styles APIThe Mapbox Styles API allows you to programmatically read and write map styles, fonts, and sprites.SVGScalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a markup language for describing two-dimensional vector graphics.symbol layerA symbol layer is a layer in which icons or text are added to a Mapbox map.telemetryTelemetry is a process in which automatic sensors create and update maps by gathering de-identified data about where and how people are moving.TIFFTIFF is a file format for saving raster images.tile packMap tiles for a specific range and zoom level used for offline mapping in mobile applications.TileJSONTileJSON is a format for describing tilesets.Tilequery APIThe Mapbox Tilequery API allows you to retrieve data about specific features from a tileset, based on a given latitude and longitude.tilesetA tileset is a collection of raster or vector data broken up into a uniform grid of square tiles at 22 preset zoom levels.tileset billing metricsTilesets created using the Mapbox Tiling Service or the Mapbox Uploads API are billed according to processing and hosting metrics.tileset IDTileset IDs, previously known as Map IDs, are used to identify vector and raster tilesets.tileset recipeTileset recipes describe how tileset source data should look and behave when a tileset is published by Mapbox Tiling Service (MTS).tileset sourceTileset sources are used to create new tilesets using Mapbox Tiling Service (MTS).Tokens APIThe Mapbox Tokens API allows you to create, edit, and delete access tokens.TripA trip is a navigation session in one of two modes: Free Drive or Active Guidance.Turf.jsTurf.js is an open-source JavaScript library used for spatial analysis.Uploads APIThe Mapbox Uploads API transforms geographic data into tilesets that can be used with maps and geographic applications.vector tilesA vector tile is a lightweight data format for storing geospatial vector data, such as points, lines, and polygons.Vector Tiles APIThe Mapbox Vector Tiles API allows you to request a single tile from a Mapbox-hosted vector tileset.WordPress map blockThe WordPress map block allows WordPress users to add a Mapbox map to any post or page.worldviewIn Mapbox vector tilesets, the "worldview" data field is used to identify geographic features whose characteristics are defined differently by various groups.zoom extentThe zoom extent is the range of zoom levels at which a tileset is visible.zoom levelA zoom level determines how much of a map is visible.Ready to get started?Create a free account to start building with Mapbox.Sign UpAdditional Developer ResourcesMapbox Developer DiscordDeveloper CheatsheetMapbox SupportAsk AIWas this page helpful?YesNo