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Travelers love the user-friendly maps and comprehensive location search brought to Lonely Planet by Mapbox Geocoding and Maps for web and mobile

Key benefits of building with Mapbox

  • Customized maps render seamlessly for personalized travel planning and navigation
  • Mapbox Geocoding helps travelers easily identify where they want to visit and plan itineraries 
  • Maps transition from online to offline when traveling thanks to the Static Images API

products used

Static Maps

Base Maps

Mobile Maps SDK


In 1973, Lonely Planet made their first map — by hand. Founders Tony and Maureen Wheeler plotted, traced, and glued the map together at their kitchen table. Over 40+ years, Lonely Planet moved their maps off the kitchen table and into mobile apps. Using Mapbox, Lonely Planet brings the same level of hand-crafted care to every map they make.

Lonely Planet uses Mapbox’s platform to help travelers discover where to go by plotting areas of interest in the Trips App. When they find the spot they’re looking for, travelers will know exactly how get there using the Guides App.

Offline functionality & maps have been two of the most referenced features in reviews for our Guides app, with over 90% of customers indicating them as a reason they use the app.

Diego Jiménez, Head of Mobile Product & Design main page
Trips by Lonely Planet app for iOS
City Guides by Lonely Planet app for iOS

relevant industries

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Unique navigation features built with the Mapbox Maps SDK

Base Maps

Navigation SDK

Smooth rendering of millions of travel destinations with Mapbox GL JS

Mapbox GL JS

Base Maps

Affordable fleet management software powered by Mapbox Maps, Search, and Geocoding API

Navigation SDK

Static Maps

Base Maps

Directions API


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