Why Leading Business Intelligence Organizations Choose Mapbox

4 best-in-class business intelligence Mapbox customers (plus one bonus!)


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September 14, 2023

Why Leading Business Intelligence Organizations Choose Mapbox

4 best-in-class business intelligence Mapbox customers (plus one bonus!)


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September 14, 2023

When it comes to business intelligence and analytics, location has always been pivotal to unlocking insights. BI, data and analytics providers that help their users connect, clean, combine, store and visualize data need to offer fast, reliable maps that handle large amounts of data at scale. Working with an enterprise grade location services provider is crucial.

Mapbox is at the forefront of solutions for this space, catering to a range of customers in the sector, including business intelligence, data storage and accessibility and sales planning solutions. A look at four leading business intelligence customers (plus one bonus customer!) demonstrates how Mapbox services enhance their operations and improve the satisfaction of their customers in a variety of ways.

IBM Cognos Analytics delivers high-performing maps from massive datasets

IBM Cognos Analytics is a leading tool in the BI space and IBM maintains that leadership by adding analysis features like advanced mapping capabilities. The organization uses Mapbox GL JS to ensure seamless visualizations of large custom datasets at scale, allowing its customers to render maps on the web without slowing down their workflow.

For Mapbox customers, The current version of GL JS has improved map load time by as much as 50% versus the previous version. Improved prioritization of resource loading and task distribution means Mapbox maps load faster and leave more CPU resources available for the web application even with large datasets. The result is reliable maps that keep IBM customers more focused on finding business insights and less on map performance.

Harness the power of Mapbox in Snowflake

Mapbox and Snowflake have teamed up to add location intelligence capabilities to the Snowflake Data Cloud. With a simple SQL statement, data analysts can use the Mapbox Geocoding API and Mapbox Boundaries to validate and standardize addresses, transform addresses into geographic coordinates (and vice versa), and aggregate data by various boundaries.

For example, companies that need to track their assets can convert location data from devices on the edge into addresses and places to enable real-time visibility into inventory levels, theft prevention, shipment tracking, transportation conditions, and more. Real estate companies can accurately map property locations; integrate with relevant data layers, such as towns, postcodes, and neighborhoods; and unlock valuable insights for investment decisions.

Organizations that leverage the Snowflake Data Cloud can now turn their data into actionable location-based insights.

Customizable styles from Tableau expand map visualization options

Tableau turns to Mapbox to provide fast and customizable spatial analysis for millions of customers using its industry leading data visualization platform. High quality, reliable Mapbox base maps with global coverage are the basis for these visualizations.

Mapbox classic core styles are designed by world-class cartographers and are ready to use in any application right out-of-the-box. They’re also customizable so Tableau can design default options for its customers that differentiate their offering from others in the market. Tableau can also provide certain customization options to its customers so the base map helps optimize how their data is visualized and aids in drawing insights.

Microstrategy enhances location context with accurate boundaries

Microstrategy allows users to create custom maps and visualize geographic patterns to improve analyses and draw more informed insights. The company uses the Mapbox Boundaries dataset to enhance this process alongside the efficient processing of massive datasets offered by Mapbox GL JS.

Mapbox Boundaries provides Microstrategy users five million boundaries covering political, statistical, state, county, city and zip code areas, expertly curated across every country. Many datasets offered by other providers simplify boundaries making visualizations inaccurate. Polygons in Mapbox Boundaries are always perfectly edge-matched to adjacent features within a seamless hierarchy of spatial layers, to cleanly visualize the entire world at any scale. 

Mapbox Boundaries adds value to Microstrategy dashboards with unmatched geographic precision and countless data aggregation possibilities.

“Our customers are thrilled they can quickly glean insights from billions of data points by drilling down from the country level all the way down to the municipality.”
- Jose Nocedal, Vice President, Technology at MicroStrategy

Bonus: Varicent optimizes sales territory coverage and grows revenue

Sales planning solutions like the one offered by Varicent use Mapbox location solutions to optimize territory planning and maximize revenue.

Varicent’s solution integrates Mapbox capabilities to provide customizable, embedded interactive maps that are flexible and performant enough to handle complex, dynamic territory rules and hierarchies. Geography-based territory rules can be combined with additional business-defined territory rules such as named accounts, industries, products, and predictive scores.

Flexible and custom styling options from Mapbox Maps and data from Mapbox Boundaries help Varicent customers create maps that are visually appealing and convey territory coverage and gaps effectively. Using Mapbox Search, the Varicent Sales Planning solution offers accurate zip code-based territory mapping. 

The results are more actionable insights, improved territory performance, and more effective market coverage.

Build with the best

Mapbox teams work with Business Intelligence organizations across the globe. If you work at a BI organization and want to see how Mapbox can enhance your data visualizations, analysis, maps and location services, sign up for an account then contact us.

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        "layers": "temperature,wind_speed",

        "bands": "1708304400,1708311600",


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