Rapidly Build Navigation Experiences With Mapbox Drop-In UI For Mobile Applications

Pre-built navigation features for Android and iOS apps that save developer time



November 30, 2022

Rapidly Build Navigation Experiences With Mapbox Drop-In UI For Mobile Applications

Pre-built navigation features for Android and iOS apps that save developer time



November 30, 2022

The Mapbox Navigation SDK v2.9 launch for Android and iOS introduces a new way to save developer time. The Drop-In UI is a ready-to-use navigation layout that provides all the components for a navigation experience with just a few lines of code. The Drop-in UI also offers customization options to match any application's unique brand.

Prior to the Drop-In UI, developers had to manually build navigation features from scratch, from composing individual navigation UI components, to observing modifications to data changes using core components, and managing state transitions. The Mapbox Navigation SDK v2.9 release simplifies this, letting developers focus on building and improving other app components. And for developers who want full control over all the details, the option to build a navigation experience from individual components remains available.

"We are building using Drop-In UI, and as we accumulate more knowledge on individual UI components and requirements of changing UI layouts coming up, we will use more standalone components." - Nvidia

Building a navigation experience using a few lines of code is one of the most requested features from Mapbox customers. With the new `NavigationView` class, it is possible to add a fully working navigation system to an app almost instantly, including the ability to:

  • Customize default Mapbox UI components - Leverage default visualizations or customize for unique branding
  • Inject custom views into Drop-In UI - Integrate tailored application experiences and services that meet the needs of end users
  • Access a Mapbox MapView or inject your own - Add view annotations and make changes to styles at runtime and perform other map related operations

With the release of v2.9, the Drop-In UI capability is available for both Android and iOS. Users of Drop-In UI now have increased functionality with the introduction of preview mode for destinations and routes and an experience that maps visually between free-drive and active navigation sessions. 

The Drop-In UI supports landscape and portrait modes on smartphones and is also functional for large-screen devices, such as tablets and in-car experiences.

“The initial feedback from the beta testers was simply outstanding. Everyone is very eager and pleased with the navigation improvements. Our truck fleet is very happy that we are working toward a complete truck routing and navigation solution.” - AB Courier

Drop-In UI accelerates app migrations and provides the ability to rapidly develop new applications from the ground up. AB Courier deployed their new application into production and expedited the enhanced app functionality and experience to their entire fleet. In addition, Nvidia used the Drop-In UI in their showcased build at the 2022 GPU Technology Conference.

Get started today with Mapbox Drop-In UI with the latest version of the Mapbox Navigation SDK. For customers who need a faster and more efficient time to market by reducing the amount of software development work required, this is a perfect opportunity to get started with the platform. Mapbox documentation has all you need to get started for both Android and iOS.

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        "layers": "temperature,wind_speed",

        "bands": "1708304400,1708311600",


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