Spring Release 2024

Discover the Future of Location Solutions

Unlock the full potential of your business with Mapbox

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Enrich data to drive better decisions

Drive better decision making with dynamic information reflecting the real world.

General Availability

Boundaries Flat File

Mapbox Boundaries now includes a flat file option in GeoJSON format, enabling deeper geospatial analysis.

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General Availability

Search Box API

Empower developers with a cost-effective, intuitive all-in-one location search for addresses, places, and POIs.

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General Availability

Geocoding new version: V6

Power your business with unit-level geocoding and advanced features for high-volume geocoding and analysis.

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General Availability

Movement v4

Increase data density and coverage, expanding by 25% in metropolitan areas and over 300% in rural areas.

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General Availability

Snowflake Native App 2.0

Unlock more location intelligence use cases with our new Distance & Duration and Isochrone tools.

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Visualize data to inform and inspire

Unlock the value of location data and create compelling visualizations that resonate.

Private Preview

Raster MTS

Leverage full-platform support for raster weather data to efficiently process, style and render more dynamic, engaging weather maps. This includes new particle animation capabilities.

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General Availability

Mobile Maps SDK Flutter Plug-in

Build cross platform applications for Android and iOS. Code once, deploy across devices, save time and developer resources.

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General Availability

Search SDKs

Enable developers to effortlessly integrate comprehensive search functionalities, including offline search, customizable UI components, favorites, search history, and personalization, into apps.

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General Availability

Aerial Imagery Update

Access over 1M km2 of updated, high-res imagery ensuring business and end-user decisions are based on the most current data possible.

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General Availability

3D Style Improvements

Leverage continuous updates to Mapbox Standard; now over 100 cities with custom designed landmarks, plus 15 new airports. Look out for a Monochrome and Satellite theme coming soon.

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Personalize location experiences

Deliver location experiences that cater to the unique needs and preferences of your users.

General Availability

NavSDK v3

Enhance your driving experience with AI-driven navigation, seamless integration with in-vehicle systems, and access to third-party services.

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Upcoming Releases

Seeking beta participants or releases coming soon.

Private Data Link

Store proprietary data in your own environment and still access the Mapbox platform to process it into tiles.

Geofencing API

Define geofences in your data and build reactions when users enter or exit: unify your geofence solutions, boost engagement and increase revenue.

Mapbox Tiling Service Multi-Region Support

Store your data in two regions. If one goes down, you are still able to process data updates.

Spring Release 2024

Discover Mapbox's Latest Innovations

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