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Beautiful mobile-friendly maps enrich The CityBook by with real-time, location-based recommendations for personalized travel experiences

Key benefits of building with Mapbox

  • The Mapbox Mobile Maps SDKs enable responsive in-app map visuals, ensuring travelers can easily explore any tourism destination
  • The Static Images API supports rapid loading of detailed and accurate maps, even when connectivity is limited
  • Mapbox Static and Vector Tiles API enable The CityBook by to create a map that prioritizes the details that matter to travelers

products used

Mobile Maps SDK

Static Maps

Base Maps


Bouncing from restaurant guides to travel review sites to recommendations from friends to actually booking a dream vacation is tedious. is bringing the fun back to travel planning by helping users focus on what makes travel fun: discovering the best a city has to offer.

CityBook is’s responsive city guide that combines inspiration, booking, and navigation to provide instant recommendations based on where you are and what you like. It allows travelers to explore a city to its fullest - without all the planning and the stress - by using machine learning and real-time location to suggest the best activities, bars, restaurants, landmarks, museums, and shops, during your trip. And once you’ve painted the town red, in-app navigation will guide you back to your hotel from anywhere in the city.

CityBook is currently available in English for Amsterdam, London, and Paris, with Tokyo, New York City, Berlin, Barcelona, and Rome coming soon.

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