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Mapbox Maps provide Helium with an easy and transparent way to visualize hundreds of thousands hotspots of the world’s fastest-growing wireless network

Key benefits of building with Mapbox

  • A reliable platform for global data visualization
  • Mapbox GL JS and Mobile Maps SDKs guarantee fast map rendering on both web and mobile
  • Mapbox Studio makes it easier to design for overlapping data

products used

Mapbox GL JS


Mobile Maps SDK

Helium is a blockchain-based wireless network startup that allows individuals to set up routers in their homes or buildings to connect to the internet. This network is used to connect low-bandwidth IoT devices such as scooters, agricultural sensors, and pet sensors to connect to the internet through a decentralized wireless network.

Utilizing the cutting-edge combination of Mapbox Mobile Maps SDK and Mapbox GL JS, the Helium Explorer map achieves lightning-fast rendering on both web and mobile platforms. This exceptional technology seamlessly superimposes a hex grid onto a captivating globe map within the Explorer interface, offering users a clear visualization of network availability and enhancing their overall experience.

Helium’s community needs to understand where to place new hotspots, which makes them heavy maps users. We needed a partner with incredible technologies and a team willing to work with us to create an amazing user experience that can scale. Mapbox provided great tech, helped us predict usage, and provided access to resources for continually improving our explorer map.

Andrew Allen, VP of Engineering, Helium

Helium's Explorer Map

Helium’s network map, powered by Mapbox, allows consumers of the network to research hotspots with complete transparency, and even set up a hotspot of their own. Each Helium hotspot earns their proprietary cryptocurrency “HNT”. The backbone of Helium’s infrastructure is the ability for community members to earn HNT for standing up routers in optimal network growth locations.

Helium’s network map uses map loads and vector tiles to visualize which hotspots are connecting to each other and how much each hotspot is earning on a monthly basis. Not all earnings are equal as the design of the network encourages hotspots to be set up just outside where existing hotspots already exist. These hotspots earn more HNT than hotspots that are completely remote or hotspots inside a densely populated area.

Detailed Hotspot Information

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