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Mapbox GL JS, Mobile Maps SDKs, Directions API, and Mapbox Geocoding enable Polaris to provide personalized trail riding experiences

Key benefits of building with Mapbox

  • The Mapbox Geocoding API helps riders easily locate trails and points of interest
  • Mapbox Directions API provides a smooth navigation experience, even over bumpy terrain across diverse terrains
  • The Mapbox GL JS and Mobile Maps SDKs enable modern interactive web and mobile map experience

products used

Mobile Maps SDK

Navigation SDK


Mapbox GL JS

A global leader in powersports, Polaris uses maps and visualization to bring the joy of being outdoors to people worldwide. They use Mapbox within Polaris Ride Command, a web and mobile app that enables powersports enthusiasts to curate a unique trail riding experience. ATV, On Road, and snowmobile lovers alike can plan multi-location routes, track favorite rides, and share rides with friends across trails.

relevant industries

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