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Using flexible options for map visualizations and powerful location APIs, The Washington Post transforms new stories into immersive map-based journalism

Key benefits of building with Mapbox

  • Mapbox provides flexible options for building map visualizations, depending on urgency and complexity of news stories
  • Mapbox Studio offers precise control over every detail of map design 
  • Mapbox Geocoding helps journalists convert datasets into geographic content

products used

Base Maps



The maps The Washington Post builds are greater than the sum of their coordinates. The heralded publication uses detailed location data to bring stories to life whether that’s recounting 1968 D.C. Riots or the events that followed the death of MLK Jr.

The Post triaged data from more than 2,000 declassified Secret Service reports to create a powerful, immersive, and interactive experience, combining audio interviews, archival footage, and a custom-designed map style using Mapbox’s platform.

The Washington Post team continues to push the boundaries of data journalism and storytelling. We’re honored to be a part of that.  

Democrats seize House visualization

Using our fast vector maps and ability to fully control every element of map and data styling, the Washington Post team has repeatedly pushed the boundaries of data journalism and storytelling.

MTS recipes are a uniquely user-friendly way to configure the tileset layers and quickly test out changes in limited geographic areas before shipping changes to graphics reporters.

Paige Moody, Newsroom Engineer

The Washington Post 1968 D.C. riots interactive map
Washington Post’s Electoral Map
Washington Post’s Electoral Map
The Washington Post map America’s “Super Zips”

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