Harnessing the Power of Climate Data with Probable Futures and Mapbox

September 7, 2023
12:30 pm
Joint Webinar
September 7, 2023
Peter Croce
Product Lead at Probable Futures
Chris Whong
Senior Developer Evangelist

Register for webinar

Discover how to use free climate data layers from Probable Futures within your Mapbox applications.

You'll learn more about: 

  • What climate model data is and why it is useful.
  • How to add Probable Futures tilesets to Mapbox projects for web and mobile.
  • Use-cases where climate risk data adds value to your applications.

We'll take a tour of the Probable Futures tilesets and get into practical tips for building with them.

For more information, check out this blog on how to build with climate prediction data.

About Probable Futures

Probable Futures is a non-profit climate literacy initiative that makes practical tools, stories, and resources available online to everyone, everywhere. They offer educational materials and data tools to empower individuals, organizations, and governments to prepare for the futures that are likely, and work to avoid the ones that carry the most profound risks for our world.

All of Probable Futures climate data and maps have Creative Commons licensing and are accessible as Mapbox tilesets, as raw data for download, and via an API.

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